Wanted to write something for a very log time, its not that nothing has been happening, rather the reason that I have not been regular is that a lot was happening around me and I feel that I just don’t have the literary range to express so much. I don’t really know when I reached that point, but now I realize that the reason for all my mental unrest is the fact that I care a little too much of what the people think of me.
Few days back my fortune cookie read “Don’t worry over what others are thinking about you, they are too busy worrying what you think of them” which was very enlightening. After this I thought a lot and realized that I have to learn to love my self, and thus I should be careful that I don’t hurt myself by my own actions. For this I also need to realize that all actions do not have immediate consequences, so there might come times when I’ll be sorry for the things that I have done but I guess you can learn only by making mistakes and what the heck… every one is entitled to their set of mistakes in life. And to the people who are out there judging me, well in most cases you worse than me.